Pet Nats
Our Pet Nat Bestsellers
Tell me more! 🥂
"Pet Nat" stands for "Pétillant Naturel" aka natural bubbly. And that's exactly what it is: a completely natural version of sparkling wine production. Instead of letting young wine ferment again, the so-called "méthode ancestrale" involves bottling the fermenting juice and finishing the fermentation in the bottle. Bubbles are created due to the sealed bottles. You can read more about the production method of Pet Nat on our blog or here.

Fun and fruity: Wild Pet Nats for the win 🍾
And how does it all taste?
Champagne often develops brioche-like and creamy flavors due to aging on the lees and second fermentation. Pet Nat is usually younger when it enters the glass. As a result, it often tastes fruitier, fresher and more acidic. Did you have a favorite fizzy drink as a kid? Think of the bubbles in Pet Nat as something like this, only better 😉